Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I am back on Instagram as @jmtvedtart - watercolor flowers summer vibes


Watercolor collage - Summer vibes 

"Intuition is the GPS of the soul." — Unknown

"Go with your gut feeling." — Unknown

I am on Instagram yet agian after my account was hacked..

Slow stitched pocket textile journal to keep your memories - a treasure

I slow stitched a tiny textile journal

I used button and beads, very intuitive

"Your inner knowing is your only true compass." — Joy Page

"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." — Jiddu Krishnamurti

"Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness." — Allen Ginsberg

It is a very nice place to keep all bits and bobs you have in drawers, that you never would use elsewhere. A treasure

Its raggerdy and not very tidy, just the
way I like it.

Slow stiched card. I used a playingcard as the base. I guess
that tells a bit the size of the journal

In the beginning I called it ugly art, but now I really like it.

It is so relaxing, you should try it. Remember, the
mind is the limit, so dont limit yourself. 

"Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect." — Steve Jobs

"Listen to your intuition. It will tell you everything you need to know." — Anthony J. D'Angelo


Making a new sketchbook - watercolor & pen & slow stitched journal cover

I have used up some fabric scrap and handstitched
a journal cover for my new sketchbook.

The plan is to do some watercolor flowers, birds and zentangle

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant." — Albert Einstein

I will try to draw flowers and fantasy flowers, try out some colors.

Practicing doodle flowers is a fun and relaxing way to enhance my drawing skills and add beautiful elements to my art projects. I do not plan, I work very

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do." — Benjamin Spock

"Intuition is seeing with the soul." — Dean Koontz

Birds with charachter, and I will use other medium as well

"Creativity takes courage." — Henri Matisse

"Every stitch tells a story."

I love slowstiching, it is so calming, its so meditative 
and peaceful. I am still wondereing about my
hacked instagram account, but have not heard
a single word from meta after I complained.

I really enjoyed being on Instagram, and I have so many
beautiIful friends there, so I wonder if I should make
a new instagram account?


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Min instagram konto @janemonicatvedtart ble hacked- hva nå?

Noen ganger faller ting fra hverandre slik at vi kan sette det
sammen på en ny måte?

Nedenfor finner du info om det stakkars menneske el dyr
som hacka min konto på instagram. Veldig trist at det er
blitt sllikt. Jeg hadde hundrevis av bilder der inne, mange års arbeid.

Så ser du dette vesenet der ute, så rapporter vedkommende. 

Jeg vet ikke riktig hva jeg skal gjøre
for øyeblikket. 

Ha en fin dag ❤

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Pink, yellow, & Orange flowers - photography


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." — Albert Einstein

"Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature." — Gerard De Nerval

Soothing Effect: Pink is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and nerves. It can help alleviate feelings of anger, aggression, and neglect.

Stimulating Yet Soft: Unlike the intensity of red, pink's softer tone is stimulating without being overwhelming, promoting a gentle sense of excitement and vitality.

Todays photo was pretty whimsical, but good 
as referencde photo for my art 

Positive Psychological Effects

Encouraging: Orange can encourage positive behavior and a proactive attitude.

Refreshing: The vibrancy of orange can make people feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Inspiring: It inspires creativity and new ideas, making it a great color for creative spaces.

Rainy days, cloudy days & sunny days - Photography of Norwegian nature


Eigerøy on a rainy day

If you want to make a journey to Eigerøy: 

"The sound of rain needs no translation."

"Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul." — Emily Logan Decens

Bakernes Paradis

Kafé og landhandel på Lauvvik ved Høgsfjorden



"On the windswept plains of Jæren, nature paints its masterpiece."

"Jæren’s rugged coastline and endless horizons stir the soul and calm the mind."

"In Jæren, the sea whispers secrets to the rolling fields."

"Jæren, where the sky meets the earth in a symphony of light and color."

"The beauty of Jæren lies in its simplicity and raw, unspoiled nature."

"In Jæren, every wave and wind carries the spirit of the land."

"Jæren’s landscapes are a testament to nature’s serene and wild harmony."

"The fields of Jæren stretch out like a canvas, painted by the hand of time."

Vagleskogen is a dense forest consisting of spruce and pine mixed with hardwood. The forest provides good shelter on windy days.

In recent years, several areas of the forest have been characterized by low-level felling. Winter storms have also caused extensive damage to the forest in places. In addition to the 3.7 km long bridleway at the outer edge of the area, there are several unmarked paths that criss-cross the forest area.

The area is widely used for training and physical activity. Access to Vagleskogen by car is from Kvål ved Ganddal. Follow Fabrikveien to the car park or from the car park at Vaglemoen.

utstein kloster




The early morning mist at Hana fjell 


"In every walk with nature, one receives
 far more than he seeks." — John Muir

More photos from different beaches at Jæren coast

I feel so grateful that I can walk into the nature every day

Wish you a wonderful day! ❤


I am back on Instagram as @jmtvedtart - watercolor flowers summer vibes

  Watercolor collage - Summer vibes  "Intuition is the GPS of the soul." — Unknown "Go with your gut feeling." — Unknown...